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People with learning disabilities COVID-19 Support and Action Group

Wednesday 22 June 2022

Time: 12:30pm-2:30pm Meeting ID: 974 7117 3675

1. Present

Jenny Ray Firielle

2. Apologies:


Philippa Kieran Lorena

Vicky Simone Russell Chris Sam

Sarah, Andrew, Olcay, Jenny (part

Russel and Lorena welcomed everyone.

Everyone introduced themselves.

3. Meeting Summary

Due to the meeting being recorded (available on request from attendees) this is a summary rather than minutes taken.


We talked about Learning Disability Week.

Learning disability week is a week to raise awareness around different things that affect people with learning difficulties and are set themes each year.

The group said they hadn’t seen much out there about it, not much more than a social media campaign.
Some of the group said they are tired of there being many awareness weeks but what are they actually achieving or impacting on.

Some group members expressed they prefer Learning Disability Pride Week, which is led by Learning Disability England. This is a week where people can express what they are proud of.

Vicky spoke about her Zumba enterprise and that she does Zumba gold. She offered to come and deliver to the group. DATE AGREED 20th JULY

Some of the group spoke about Don O’Callagan who runs an international social group for people with disabilities. Don is five hours behind England in the USA but the group runs at different times. Vicky and Keiron have the details.

International Self Advocacy Group, Every Thursday evening 8pm


Lorena talked about People First Empower project opportunity for self-advocates to be a part of an expert group for easy read. Email

Others talked about there easy read activity in their groups. Suggestion of all who work on easy read to get together.

Vicky and Kieron are going to Manchester to Social care futures. Social care futures are a movement to make social care better for the future. They hold regular gatherings and next weeks is called “More than just a providerThey will try and get feedback back to group members next week.

Chris spoke about Cornwall Council announcing a job scheme for [people with learning disabilities to get more people into employment. Not first time they have done this. Chris also took part in research project for save the children and they’ve done a report around poverty in disability. Chris a was also a part of a consultation about welfare. Links to these on his blog website.

Firielle spoke about her self-advocacy group in Wakefield and her work around stopping hate crime against people with learning disabilities and Black Lives Matter.

Ray spoke about his day yesterday in the community centre in Streatham with Sam telling them about the work of the advocacy plus work he is doing with People First.


Sam said a few people were interested and took business cards. Presentation was to other self- advocates at Lambeth forum about new project which is adding counselling and coaching.

Vicky shared on 4th July herself and other members of together are able are going to be trained to be eye care champions. This is teaching people how to look after their eyesight. Being led by see ability. This is done over two training sessions after which participants will be able to teach people how to look after their eyesight and be eye care aware.

People said in coming weeks they would like to discuss about Ukraine and Human Rights.

4. Any other business

Simone spoke about Heidis court case which is on 13th July. Follow the Reclaiming Our Futures Alliance web- link on how you can support Heidi if appropriate.

Heidi Court of Appeal Hearing 13th July 2022 - (

Meeting Ends



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