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Showing posts from February, 2014

Mental Health Wizwoman

No provisos, here in Norfolk we have a wonderful HERO. Emma is a UNISON officer. She is one of the mainstays of the practice led Mental Health Crisis Campaign (see the 4th December entry). One of the reasons the Campaign is beginning to achieve some success, she is an excellent public speaker. And passionate about her causes; at a recent NHS protection rally, in the middle of her speech she became choked up with emotion and broke off in tears - in my book an unfailing recommendation. She means it! she is genuine! County Councillor Corlett, for yes, as well as everything else, Emma is a Labour (Co-op) Norfolk County (NCC) Councillor. Well respected by her fellows, in the Council Chamber she has made her mark and her reputation in support of the Mental Health Crisis Campaign goes before her. This month, NCC said on its website ( ): “At a full council meeting last month councillors voted unanimously to approve a motion by Emma Corlett, the council’s Member Champi