People with learning disabilities – COVID-19 Support and Action Group
Wednesday 20th January 2021 1.
Andrew Firielle Eve Kweku
Joanne Jenny Gordon Vicky Peter Russell Kieran Linda Simone Christopher Philipa Sarah
2. Introductions
Joanne welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked how we were all feeling.
Generally people were ok but some of the group shared how difficult they were finding things at the moment.
Jenny, Linda, Russell and Kieran shared information about a meeting they went to about local cuts and a consultation process. We agreed to discuss it more.
3. Action agreed at the last meeting |
1. Find out how we can be involved in the Mental Health Act Reform consultation. Andrew & Sarah |
2. Find out what scams are going around about Covid- 19 vaccinations All |
3. Invite Lisa Proctor to a meeting to discuss Peer Support in the NHS. Philipa |
3. Discussion
Jenny, Kieran, Russell and Linda spoke about the Wirral Council consultation and there concerns about a consultation starting just before Christmas and ending in January. https://www.wirralevolutions. org/news/wirral-council- budget-consultation Easy Read version |
The deadline for people with a disability, parents & carers has been extended from 22nd to 29th January 2021. |
However, accessible information about the consultation was not available until it was asked for half way through the consultation period. |
The group suggested writing a joint letter to Wirral Council about the lack of accessible information and the short time-frame. |
4. Next session: Svetlana Kotova
We had some discussion last week and some of the points people raised included:
What are our rights to support during Covid-19 (How does the Covid-19 Act affect this?)
How is reduced support affecting people’s ability to work and go out?
The impact of loneliness and isolation
Are care assessments happening? Can Las refuse
to do them?
IQ levels and thresholds to care 70/71
Support plans for couples – boundaries of care
6. Action agreed |
1. Draft a letter to Wirral Council about the consultation. Andrew & Sarah |
2. Contact Anna Bowden at the Guardian about writing an article Philipa |
3. Invite Lisa Proctor to a meeting to discuss Peer Support in the NHS. Philipa |
5. Information exchange |
National Lockdown Guidance data/file/952298/National_Lockdown_Easy_Read.pdf data/file/952748/Clinically_Extremely_Vulnerable_Letter_Jan_National_Lockdown_Final.pdf easy read version: data/file/953423/cev-letter-easy-read_web-accessible_v3.pdf
Research Warwick
Coronavirus and Learning Disability Study with Professors Richard Hastings and Chris Hatton, along with other researchers and organisations across the UK.
Here is the link to the study website: and our project twitter page:
for information about the
They are aiming to speak to 1000 people with learning disabilities across the UK by mid-February about their experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic.
They are keen to ensure that we are recruiting a representative sample of people from BAME communities.
The Clarity Project - Free legal sessions
Session 3: Lasting Power of Attorney and Deputyship Wednesday 13th January 2021 7.30pm-9.30pm
Coronavirus and Learning Disability Study
(@CoronavirusLD) / Twitter
Session 4: Listening Session
Tuesday 9th February
2021 7.30pm-9.30pm
Joint Voices sessions
Monday 8th February Monday 15th February Monday 8th March Monday 15th March Monday 12th April
10.00am - 12.00pm 10.00am - 12.00pm 10.00am - 12.00pm 10.00am - 12.00pm 10.00am - 12.00pm
Christopher’s artwork from the session