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People First Notes 20/01/21

People with learning disabilities – COVID-19 Support and Action Group

Wednesday 13th January 2021 1. Present

Christopher Firielle Christine Kieran



2. Introductions

Joanne Russell Darren Kweku


Jenny Eve Simone Philipa

Gary Peter Kenneth Sarah

Joanne welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked how we were all feeling.

There was a lot of energy in the group and there seemed to be a lot happening for people.

We were reminded that we were coming up to the group’s 1-year anniversary and agreed it would be a good time to review what we have done over the last year.



3. Action agreed at the last meeting

1. Send names to Andrew if interested in joining the Joint Voices workshops

Eve, Olcay, Simone, Kweku, Kieran, Kenneth, Joanne, and Andrew attended the first session. The next session is Monday 8th February.

2. Contact Svetlana about attending the group in the New Year.

Svetlana will be attending the group Wednesday 27th January at 1pm

3. Contact journalists - Saba Salman & Ian Bridmor

Philipa will follow up the contacts

4. Follow up action agreed with Elizabeth

Eve has joined the case and will follow up any action and feedback with Elizabeth.


4. Topic: Mental Health Act White Paper

Press release: Landmark reform of mental health laws ws/landmark-reform-of-mental- health-laws

We discussed the morning’s announcement about the Mental Health Act reform.

Today the Government published

its White Paper Reforming the

Mental Health Act

There will now be a consultation period until 21st April 2021 nsultations/reforming-the-mental- health-act

We talked about how the reform of the Mental Health Act will impact people with a learning disability and autism.

The reform aims to ensure that a

people with learning disabilities or

autism are only sectioned if they

have a severe mental health

condition; not because of their

behaviour- 'abnormally aggressive

or seriously irresponsible'.


5. Discussion: Vaccination


We discussed the priority list again and how people with learning disabilities/difficulties and autism should be prioritised within each level.


There’s a lot of scaremongering and scams about the vaccine. It’s very confusing and upsetting.

People are being asked for money to have vaccinations.

We agreed to find out more about the scams so we can share information about it.


Photosymbols have free Covid-19 posters on the Keep Safe website

There’s lots of other accessible information about Covid-19 here avirus-info-1


6. Feedback from other meetings

Workforce Expert Advisory Group

Peter, Chris, Eve, Olcay and Kieran attended the last meeting. The main topic was about Peer Support.

Peter explained that the NHS is looking at employing people with learning disabilities and autism as Peer Support Workers to support other people with learning disabilities and autism.

Chris was a bit worried as he felt the language used was very medical. Peer support came out of user-led and community work.

Kieran and Eve spoke about equality issues around pay, roles and training. There’s a lot to think about.

Everyone agreed that it would be good to invite Lisa Proctor from Health Education England to come to the group.

Joint Voices

Kenneth, Joanne, Simone, Olcay, Andrew and Kieran attended the first session and said it went really well.

Joanne will be delivering a presentation about ATUs with one of the family members.

Kenneth said he learnt about Bethany’s story which was very distressing.



6. Action agreed

1. Find out how we can be involved in the Mental Health Act Reform consultation.

Andrew & Sarah

2. Find out what scams are going around about Covid- 19 vaccinations


3. Invite Lisa Proctor to a meeting to discuss Peer Support in the NHS.



5. Information exchange

Joint Voices sessions

Monday 8th February Monday 15th February Monday 8th March Monday 15th March Monday 12th April

10.00am - 12.00pm 10.00am - 12.00pm 10.00am - 12.00pm 10.00am - 12.00pm 10.00am - 12.00pm


The Clarity Project - Free legal sessions
Session 3: Lasting Power of Attorney and Deputyship

Wednesday 13th January 2021 7.30pm-9.30pm

The Joint Voices Project

Christopher’s artwork from the session

Session 4: Listening Session

Tuesday 9th February

2021 7.30pm-9.30pm



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