So, “Dr Claudia Paoloni, president of the Hospital Consultants and Specialists Association, said the long-distance transfers put patients at risk, and the huge number planned showed that the NHS was “on the ropes” after years of underfunding and staff shortages.” (Struggling London hospitals sending Covid patients to Newcastle, Guardian 15th January 2021)
It has to be pointed out that Dr Paoloni is typical of some NHS consultants in general hospitals. She has found it convenient to ignore the fact that for many of their mental health colleagues, poor relations in the NHS, their patients and the services have been “on the ropes,” for more than ten years now. Sending their patients, some in crisis, a hundred and more miles from their home. Very little has been done about it.
Despite being in 'special measures,' our Norfolk and Suffolk Mental Health Trust is still using these polices. (see