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Smart Phone Stonewall

On October 20th I wrote: I have COPD and... some of it’s recommendations such as reviews at home using tools like ‘microspirometery’ are inaccessable for me because they rely on the patient having a smart phone. once again; I’m unable to use a smart phone as I have Essential Tremors - my fingers dance all over the place so tapping at any target is impossible! - Yet another example of social discrimination.

On Monday of this week beginning 30th November, ROFA, the Reclaiming Our Futures Alliance (an ironic title in this instance) announced their new project "Liberation" they said:

"To get involved and to sign up to the campaign check out the dedicated page on the ROFA website:"

Eagerly I did as it said and - would you believe it! - to sign in to join 'LIberation' you have to go through a sequence using your smart mobile phone! They say, and this was checked today, 7th December:

"We have asked people to answer the following questions and use your mobile phone to submit answers to us in video format.


    • What’s the difference between social care and independent living
    • Why do we need a right to a national living support service?
    • What is your message to the UK government?"
I've mailed ROFA explaining I can't do this.  That was immediately after the announcement of their 'nillss project' but they haven't replied - yet. So I'll answer their questions here.

  1. social care is being 'looked after;' independent living is being free to choose and free to look after yourself. "the opportunity to make choices and decisions regarding where to live, with whom to live and how to live. "  (ENIL, the European Network on Independent Living,
  2. To advocate and campaign for true independent living in this country
  3. Please make decisions, create policies and formulate legislation in the UK based on and following "Article 19 of UN Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities which recognises “the equal right of all persons with disabilities to live in the community, with choices equal to others.” As our government, you have ratified the Convention  but have failed to observe it.

So I'll  repeat because it appears necessary: As I have 'Essential Tremors' the necessity of having and using a mobile smart phone constitutes a social barrier to involvement and INDEPENDENT LIVING. 


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