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2. Introductions

Jenny welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked how we were all feeling.

Generally people were feeling ok but were finding the amount of Zoom meetings tiring.

Andrew, Olcay, Joanne, Kieran, Chris and Eve attended The Clarity Project -

Supporting Decision-Making

second session about


Session 3 is about Lasting Power of Attorney and

Deputyship - 13.01.2021 7:30pm 9:30pm
People who attended fed back to the rest of the group.

Olcay spoke about her feelings about the use of the term ‘burden’ when speaking about people with learning difficulties.

We then spoke about terminology such as, burden, challenging behaviourand vulnerable.

Petitions about the vaccine were mentioned and the article in Disability News Service.
Petition update · Covid-19 Vaccine Plans Must Prioritize People With Learning Disabilities ·

Andrew provided comments for the Disability News Service article on 3rd December about the vaccine priorities. decision-is-campaigning-victory-but-concerns-remain/

3. Topic: How we communicate about our group

Everyone agreed it would be good to write a bit more about the group and who we are.

This is in addition to the leaflet and will say a bit more about what we have done.


Andrew asked everyone to say a couple of words on how they would describe the group to others.

Heres a summary of what was said:

  •   The title of the group is self-explanatory its supportive and campaigning

  •   Campaigning and challenging

  •   Very information Ive picked up a lot

  •   Comradeship and companionship

  •   Meeting with others who have common aims and


  •   Friendship and meeting new people have fun

    while doing work

  •   Proud of the group and what weve done and


  •   Learn from each other

  •   We listen, we learn and we challenge

  •   Jolly and insightful

  •   Its a helpful and interesting group

  •   Members have helped me understand more about

    the virus and other things in plain English

  •   Helped me learn to use Zoom and meet new


  •   Able to share important feelings and concerns

  •   Important way to keep in touch

  •   Its provided an emotional support structure

  •   All though far apart, strong friendships have



  •   Informative and supportive

  •   Its important to me, its a lifeline

  •   It has built my confidence

  •   Its been a political voice and a supportive voice

    when the world wasnt watching or listening to us

  •   Its been a bright light during a dark time

5. Information exchange

Bringing Us Together project

Meetings will start in January 2021. Eight members of this group will be working with 8 family carers

  •   To learn from one another and learn from each other

  •   To develop trust and relationships

  •   To share a common goal and common language

  •   Agree ways of working, our priorities and put

    together our plan of action

  •   Agree on ways of holding bodies accountable

  •   To understand and use the legislation effectively

    and appropriately


    Monday 4th and 11th January 2021 10.00am to 12.00pm
    Monday 8
    th and 15th February 2021 10.00am to 12.00pm

    Monday 8th March and 15th March 2021 10.00am to 12.00pm


Andrew asked who would be interested in attending the sessions.

Eve, Kieran and Christopher expressed interest in attending the sessions.

Skills for Care Workforce Expert Advisory Group

The next meeting is 14th December 2020
A pre-meeting will be organised for the new members.

The Clarity Project - Free legal sessions supporting-decision-making-tickets-128153186631

Christopher’s artwork for the session

The second session (Tuesday 8th December 2020 at

7.30pm-9.30pm) will cover Supporting Decision-




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