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Showing posts from October, 2014

Letter of Complaint to Gt Yarmouth & Waveney CCG

Hello. Formal Complaint At the Gt Yarmouth & Waveney CCG meeting at Beccles House on 25th September at 13.30, you approved your recommendations for changes to the Carlton Court Mental Health Services. Among the changes is action to remove the Acute Mental Health Services from Carlton Court to Northgate Hospital, Gt Yarmouth. That action will discriminate against the people of Lowestoft with mental health problems or caring for those with mental health problems, causing them, as a result, to have to travel many miles more than the people of Gt Yarmouth to engage with their Mental Heath Services. This means you are treating those in Lowestoft less favourably that those in Gt Yarmouth which is a breach of the Equality Act 2010 sections 13 (1) and 149 (1) ((a and ((b)). I look forward to your reply. Heddwch Mike Mike LLywelyn Cox

September Meetings

Norfolk HealthWatch AGM at the Curve, Norwich, 22nd September2014 .

 The AGM was Chaired by William Armstrong the ex Norfolk Coroner. The first speaker was Doeuke Doebma the owner of Clinks Care Farm who gave a comprehensive account of care farms in general and a special account of his own organisation. The special guest speaker was Norman Lamb who, after a matey exchange with the Chair about their early mutual experiences as lawyers in London, gave his usual warm, slithey and near meaningless talk about how the government are doing everything to improve and advance mental health services. Time came for questions from the floor and, unusually I was chosen for the first one. I asked Norman Lamb: “How do you reconcile your glowing rhetoric with the fact that no actions to implement it are taking place and the government is continuing to make swingeing cuts in mental health?” In a blustered reply Mr Lamb just referred to what he had said in his talk. Disappointingly, no-one...