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Mental Health Wizwoman

No provisos, here in Norfolk we have a wonderful HERO.

Emma is a UNISON officer. She is one of the mainstays of the practice led Mental Health Crisis Campaign (see the 4th December entry). One of the reasons the Campaign is beginning to achieve some success, she is an excellent public speaker. And passionate about her causes; at a recent NHS protection rally, in the middle of her speech she became choked up with emotion and broke off in tears - in my book an unfailing recommendation. She means it! she is genuine!

County Councillor Corlett, for yes, as well as everything else, Emma is a Labour (Co-op) Norfolk County (NCC) Councillor. Well respected by her fellows, in the Council Chamber she has made her mark and her reputation in support of the Mental Health Crisis Campaign goes before her. This month, NCC said on its website ( “At a full council meeting last month councillors voted unanimously to approve a motion by Emma Corlett, the council’s Member Champion for Mental Health, to take up The Mental Health Challenge.” That motion reads:

“This council notes:
1 in 6 people will experience a mental health problem in any given year.
The World Health Organisation predicts that depression will be the second most common health condition worldwide by 2020.
Mental ill health costs some £105 billion each year in England alone.
People with a severe mental illness die up to 20 years younger than their peers in the UK. There is often a circular relationship between mental health and issues such as housing, employment, family problems or debt.

This council believes:
As a local authority we have a crucial role to play in improving the mental health of everyone in our community and tackling some of the widest and most entrenched inequalities in health.
Mental health should be a priority across all this authority’s functions.
All councillors can play a positive role in championing mental health on an individual and strategic basis.
By working with all our strategic partners we must develop a coherent mental health strategy for Norfolk

This council resolves:
To sign the "Local Authorities’ Mental Health Challenge" run by Centre for Mental Health, Mental Health Foundation, Mind, Rethink Mental Illness, Royal College of Psychiatrists and YoungMinds.
And thereby agrees to:

  1. Identify a ‘lead officer’ for mental health to link in with colleagues across the council

  2. Follow the national mental health strategic partnership guidance for local authorities "no health without mental health" LA.pdf

  3. Work to reduce inequalities in mental health in our community

  4. Work with the NHS to integrate health and social care support

  5. Promote wellbeing and initiate and support action on public mental health

  6. Encourage positive mental health in our schools, colleges and workplaces

  7. Proactively engage and listen to people of all ages and backgrounds about what they need for better mental health

  8. Sign the Time to change pledge to tackle mental health stigma and discrimination”

The following amendment was proposed by Mr Watkins:- After ‘This Council notes’ insert: “This Council welcomes:

•        The steps taken by this Government to ensure that, for the first time ever, mental health is given equal priority to physical health across the NHS through the NHS Mandate.
•        The significant progress made by this Government in responding to the worldwide challenges presented by dementia, culminating in the recent London G8 Summit agreement to         significantly increase investment in dementia research, with an ambition to identify a cure, or a disease-modifying therapy, for dementia by 2025.”

The amendment was accepted by Ms Corlett and became the substantive motion.

After a discussion the motion was CARRIED unanimously.

Emma is reported to have said: “It was heartening to have the support of all 84 councillors, which shows that in Norfolk there is genuine commitment to ending mental health stigma, and improving the mental health and wellbeing of Norfolk people.”

There’s a great deal of hope for our campaign.


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