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Up-to date Survivors (minutes)

Survivors History Group Meeting, Wednesday 30th May 2012.

“Together” 12 Old Street London EC1V.

Peter Barham (PB) Peter Campbell (PC) Andrew Roberts (AR) Ian Ray-Todd (IRT) Carole Murray (CM) Graham Estop (GE) Peter McGeary (taking notes).

Claire, Eamer, David Kessel.

Pre agenda:
Peter Barham gave an account of his trip to scan archives at Craig Dunain, Inverness. This was the Highland district lunatic asylum, so probably covered a greater land area than most other asylums in the UK. Craig Dunain is quite notorious for the ways it treated patients, especially when it came to ECT. The hospital closed in 1999. Peter’s observation from the archive was how the Scottish approach to mental health seemed to have been more advanced in 19th C, compared to elsewhere in the UK. He also pointed out that a high incidence of mortality had occurred to arriving patients, due to exhaustion.

Andrew drew a comparison with 1840’s record of Haydock lodge which had used outhouses for pauper accommodation while in later years became a private establishment when it dropped its admission of the poor.

1. Introductions and welcome:

All attendees introduced themselves.

2. Agenda for today.

The group noted that Andrew Roberts, Anne Plumb and Peter Campbell had been commissioned to write an account of the history the survivor movement dating back to 19th Century. AR was concerned to ensure that any discussion of the book did not disrupt consideration of other related items such as PC’s feedback on his research into Survivors Speak Out (S.S.O.).

Agreed: Peter’s update first, to be followed by discussion of how the book should be collated, followed by preparation for attending ‘Oor Mad History’ event, then Asylum edition, then any other business.

3. Peter Campbell’s talk on narrative history of Survivors Speak Out

Peter Campbell was centrally involved with the Survivors Speak Out Co-ordinating Group, 1988-96. This was his second report on research into the history of Survivors Speak Out. Having identified and categorised the records available, he is now writing up the content on key developments in the movement which to date includes:

Minstead Lodge

Graham Estop commented he did not attend Minstead Lodge meeting but he knew Bob Claytor who had.

Action – GE will enquire with his contacts in Sheffield in case they can track him down.

There had been 4 Minstead Lodge meetings, 2 in each of 1986 and 1987.

It formed a useful forum for planning the Edale conference. It also selected the name Survivors Speak Out in 1986.

The group agreed the term ‘survivors’ had been relatively successful, in that large numbers have identified with it.

In response to a question, Andrew explained the role David Kessel had in promoting the concept of Mental Health Patient Unions and was keen to promote new unions during the Minstead lodge events. They differed from SSO which was a national campaign.
Action Peter will send his account of Minstead Lodge meetings, co-ordinating group meetings and SSO Newssheets to Andrew for collation.

Edale Conference.

In response to a question from Andrew, Graham confirmed he did attend the Edale conference.

Peter reported that although there remains no list of Minstead attendees he would expect that many of those attending Minstead went on to the Edale conference, September 1987.

It was funded by Kings Fund and Mind. Was attended by 80 survivors (for free), 20 allies (@£40 fee per person).

Peter can pass to Andrew:

Conference programme

List of attendees / their area of the country

Report of the conference

- led to the adoption of a Charter of needs and demands, which had been agreed unanimously at the conference. This enabled SSO to make statements in the media on Mental Health Act and on their Charter of needs and demands. GE reported Bob Claytor did an interview with Radio Sheffield. AR enquired how the SSO were so successful at using media. Peter explained that SSO had the service of Jackie Biggs, a journalist who assisted with press releases and promotional, who would have helped both before and after Edale.

4. Survivors History 1800-2015

Peter suggested that it should be written in consultation with rather than on behalf of the SHG.

AR elaborated that the authors could not claim to speak for SHG embers but the work would benefit from what SHG members want to add.

Ian Ray-Todd endorsed this approach and supported inclusion of others such as Frank Bungay.

Agreed: Peter Ann and Andrew to raise issues about the book with the group and consult with members when help is needed, but if people want to raise issues of their own initiative, they are encouraged to do so.

5. Any other business

AR encouraged everybody present to attend the proposed visit to “Oor Mad History” event in Edinburgh on the second week in June – just need to book train and youth hostel places –Andrew, Anne Plumb and Graham Estop are planning to go. Others can still join and SHG will cover the expense.
Peter closed the meeting at 17.00

6. Date/venue of Next meeting:

Wednesday 25th July 2012 - Together.


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