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Showing posts from August, 2011

Refreshing Views

From the Editor of NHSNetworks News ( It's worth quoting in full his/her Glossary of terms used in the 'NHS reforms.' Here they are: April 2013: possible date for Easter 2013; see also September 2013, sometime in 2014, never Authorisation: ideal state or condition due to be reached by Easter Bottom up: position advocated by the health bill Clinical cabinet: place to keep old medical artefacts; pointless item of furniture Clinical commissioning group: novice rock band with imminent national tour and stadium dates; see also sell-out Cluster: aggregation of fragments, often nuts Collaboration: obs. collusion with the enemy; mod. term of approbation Commissioner: someone who buys things Commissioner, clinical: someone reluctant to buy into things Health and wellbeing board: operating table Manager: term of abuse NHS commissioning board: top-down bureaucracy dedicated to the promotion of bottom-up reform Outpost: place no one wants to be sent to; relat...