Definition: esqualisation is the making of a hooded statement which rationalises avoidance of equality law by equivocal and squalid words.
For example:
“In line with its commitment to fairness and promoting social mobility, the Government
has looked closely at the impact of the Spending Review on different groups in society. In
particular, the Government has ensured that the potential impacts on the equality of men
and women, people from ethnic minorities and people with disabilities have been taken into
account as far as possible in decision making.
The majority of the decisions that have been made at this Spending Review concern
departmental budgets and not all the details of those departmental budgets have been set
out. As they are, all parts of Government will consider the impacts on groups covered by
equalities legislation. This means that it is not possible at this stage to quantify the full impact
of the Spending Review on these groups. (The Government Spending Review 20.10.10)”
For example:
“In line with its commitment to fairness and promoting social mobility, the Government
has looked closely at the impact of the Spending Review on different groups in society. In
particular, the Government has ensured that the potential impacts on the equality of men
and women, people from ethnic minorities and people with disabilities have been taken into
account as far as possible in decision making.
The majority of the decisions that have been made at this Spending Review concern
departmental budgets and not all the details of those departmental budgets have been set
out. As they are, all parts of Government will consider the impacts on groups covered by
equalities legislation. This means that it is not possible at this stage to quantify the full impact
of the Spending Review on these groups. (The Government Spending Review 20.10.10)”
You might remember that in the summer Theresa May threatened George Osborne that if he introduced policies which treated disabled people less favourably because of their disability he could be prosecuted under the Equality Act 2010.
Keep your eye out.