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NSUN Bulletin: 6.7.10.

NSUN Survey: Annual Evaluation – Prize Draw
This is NSUN’s second annual evaluation. We are keen to hear about your views of NSUN and your expectations for the future of the network. The questionnaire should only take 10 minutes. We really do appreciate the time you are giving up to complete the questions and would like to thank you in advance. We are entering every questionnaire completed and returned into a prize draw for a £20 voucher. To access the survey please follow the link NSUN Annual Evaluation 2010
Please complete by 31st July 2010

Information: Joe Kelly’s blog
Information: SideFX Concert
Hello Friend or Colleague. A line to say that Dean Thorpe of Activ8 has done a magnificent job of videoing our concert at Parkhurst Hall on 16th June. The main drawback is the sound quality.   But if you click on this link you will get to the video: I think that what this shows is that we can write songs, then perform them, and have them posted on the internet. It may be something that 15-year-olds excel at, but we are all chuffed with the result. It shows we can do it. Andrew Voyce
Mental Health Study: Recovery and Resilience: Tell Us Your Stories
Are you an African, African-Caribbean or South Asian woman living in London?
Do you have direct experience of recovering from mental distress and of using mental health services?
The Mental Health Foundation is conducting a study titled Recovery and Resilience: African, African Caribbean and South Asian Women’s Narratives of Recovering from Mental Distress
We would like to invite you to participate in this study by telling us your stories. The purpose of the study is to collect your views on:

  • How you understand mental health and mental distress

  • What recovery means to you

  • What has been helpful to you in your recovery

  • How you maintain your wellbeing

Taking part will involve talking to one of our researchers about your experiences. All researchers involved in this study are also people with direct experiences of mental distress and recovery.

As a token of our appreciation, those who take part will be paid £20 worth of vouchers plus all expenses.
If you would like to take part in this study, please contact Jayasree Kalathil by phone 07906165614 / 02086409052 or email  
Jayasree will then tell you more about the study.
This is your chance to help other women like you learn from your experiences.
The Recovery and Resilience Project Team Mental Health Foundation, Sea Containers House, 20 Upper Ground, London SE1 9QB
Forum: Day Out 17.7.10
The Survivor History Group, Friends of East End Loonies and Tower Hamlets African and Caribbean Mental Health Organisation invite you to come on our first every joint day out. Celebrate summer with a trip to Birmingham in excellent company.
We will be going to the seminar on Survivor History at Birmingham University (details attached) and for people travelling from London; there is a free minibus. The only money you will need will be spending money for food on the journey when we stop for a meal.
Minibus Travel Arrangements from London
11:00 am        Meet at Brady Centre, 192 Hanbury Street, London E1 5HU (Nearest underground: Whitechapel, Buses: 25, D3, 254)
3:00 pm          Arrive Birmingham University - Refreshments
4:00 pm          Seminar
6:00 pm          Socialising after seminar
7:00 pm          Start return journey
10:00 pm        Arrive back at Brady Centre
Of course, people will be coming from other parts of the country as well - But we are afraid London is the only place the minibus will be going from.
How do you book a place? Simple
E-mail: Telephone: Fabian 07908 592 835
Everyone is welcome if we can get you on the bus! If you want to make your own arrangements to go to the seminar, contact contact Nicki Young: Telephone 0121 415 8570, or email:
Seminar: Collaboration in Mental Health Research
Challenges, constraints and contributions to knowledge.
At the invitation of the Survivors History Network the Centre of Excellence in Interdisciplinary Mental Health (CEIMH) is hosting five Survivors Research Network seminars from March-September 2010.
The theme of these seminars is what is being learnt through the collaborative work being undertaken by survivor and academic researchers
The next seminar in this series is on July 14th 2010 from 4.00pm-6.00pm at CEIMH, Basement Watson Building, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT 
Drinks and light refreshments will be provided
‘The Survivors History Movement and
The History of Self Harm activism’ A seminar to discuss the value of history for those of us who have suffered severe mental distress
Members of the Survivor History Group and Mark Cresswell
Introduced by groups researching the history of the survivors' movement. Survivors of Afro-Caribbean origin in Tower Hamlets pioneered "The Health Through History Initiative" to achieve strength, confidence and perseverance. Peter Campbell, chair of the Survivor History Group, has tracked the rise and decline of "Survivors Speak Out" since 1986, and we will look, in particular, at the achievements of activists like Louise Pembroke who pioneered a different approach to self-harm. Mark Cresswell from Durham University will comment on the significance from an academic point of view. Barbara Norden, from Birmingham, will chair the seminar with an emphasis on discussion.
To book a place, contact Nicki Young:
Tel: 0121 415 8570, email:,
Post: CEIMH, Basement, Watson Building,
University of Birmingham B15 2TT
Service User Panel: Employment Support for Drug and Alcohol Services
Panellists wanted 23.7.10
The London Drug and Alcohol Network (LDAN) based at DrugScope is running a project to improve the availability and quality of employment support for people in drug and alcohol services.
This includes a series of workshops/network meetings to bring together treatment providers, service users, relevant statutory agencies, education, training and employment services. The next one is specifically looking at the ‘skills’ agenda, covering issues like training, education, volunteering, etc. It is on 23 July 2010 at City Hall in London from 12.30-4.30. They want to include a service user panel – with three or four service users talking about their own experiences (direct and indirect) in this area, and responding to any questions/comments from attendees. There is a  £30 fee plus travel expenses
The panel session will be around 45 minutes, panelists would be making a 10 minute presentation and then be there to answer questions. The session will start around 3.30
Esther Sample, Policy Officer for London Drug and Alcohol Network (LDAN):



Workshops: User Led Organisations newsletter
The third edition newsletter
User-Led Organisation Action & Learning Newsletter Winter 2009/2010
In this edition, the focus is news on the ULO project as well as broader insight into other agendas such as personalisation and the work of the Office of the Third Sector.
More information on the ULO project may be found at the Department of Health website on:
You may also email the team on:
More information is also available on the National Council of Independent Living website




Information: Providing Support for Service Personalisation


Advice UK published a briefing 'Personalisation and support brokerage in adult social care’, giving some helpful background and would be of interest to those thinking about support brokerage in the personalisation of services. It is available here on the bassac website.



Call for Information: Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC)
EHRC want to hear from anyone who has been bullied or harassed and from organisations that work for/with disabled people, including voluntary and community sector organisations, public authorities (such as local councils, police, housing, social services and education) and public transport operators. For general information and the call for information please visit:
The deadline for providing evidence is Friday 10th September 2010.
For general information please visit:




Literature: ‘The Dark Threads’
Jean Davison is an NSUN member and a former service user who has written a mental health memoir 'The Dark Threads'. For details/review, please click on the following link of the Madness and Literature Network: can be purchased online at  / or at all good bookshops.
Open Up E-Bulletin: Conference Special
Open Up E-bulletin - June 2010 Read the Open Up E-bulletin online.
Visit to subscribe directly.
Open Up –Sharing Experience | Raising Awareness | Challenging Discrimination
Mind, 15 - 19 Broadway, London E15 4BQ
020 8519 2122 | |



Information: Social Work Reform Board Health Check


The health check was published in the Social Work Task Force report.  It is a tool kit for employers to use which enables them and Social Workers to assess their practices in specific front line areas, identify pressures and encourages them to develop an improvement plan.
Moira Gibb, Social Work Reform Board Chair and previously Chair of the Task Force, has written to all employers of social workers to urge them to carry out the recommended workload ‘health check’.  A copy of her letter is here Health Check Letter - pdf
The Social Work Reform Board is keen to promote the health check process as an important first step in implementing the recommendations of the Social Work Task Force.  All employers including Local Authorities should be getting on with the health check.  You can see more about the Board’s work at
The Social Work Reform Board are keen to ensure that service users and carers of social care services, are aware of this and it is anticipated that implementation of the health check will ultimately improve delivery of services.
Social Work Reform Board



Information: Directory Of Social Change Emergency budget 2010
Click below to access this news item
Directory Of Change News: Emergency Budget
If you would like to include any information in future NSUN bulletins or you have feedback on content and style please email or telephone
0845 602 0779
National Survivor User Network
27-29 Vauxhall Grove, Vauxhall, London, SW8 1SY
Registered charity no. 1135980. Company Registration no. 7166851.


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