Raising consciousness of Norfolk CC’s dilatory policies in (now former) government quarters, I have received a letter in reply from Phil Hope the Minister of State for Care Services. His letter is in response to my request to my (now former) constituency MP, Richard Bacon to pass on my letter which I posted here on 12th February (see the entry for that date). I have highlighted the most important part of Phil Hope’s reply which is in support of my actions.
From Phil Hope MP
Minister of State for Care Services
Department of Health
Richmond House 79 Whitehall London
Tel: 020 72103000
Richard Bacon MP House of Commons Westminster London SW1A OM
- 9 APR 2010
Dear Richard,
Thank you for your letter of 26 March enclosing correspondence from your constituent Mr Mike Cox of The Lilting House, Beccles Road, Thurlton NR14 6AJ about the personalisation of social care services in Norfolk.
I was sorry to read of Mr Cox's concern that the personalisation agenda locally may be excluding services for people with mental health problems
I would like to assure Mr Cox that our aim of increased personalisation extends to everyone who receives adult social care services. This was set out in Putting People First, published in December 2007, and confirmed in the White Paper, Building the National Care Service, published on 30 March this year.
Putting People First has supported local authorities in transforming their systems to make care more personalised and preventative, and in improving access to information and advice. The Government has also set a strong direction with a number of important strategies, including the Carers' strategy and New Horizons: A Shared Vision for Mental Health, a cross-government programme of action to help improve everyone's mental wellbeing and the services that provide mental healthcare.
Further information about Putting People First and the personalisation agenda can be found on the Department's website at www.dh.gov.uk by entering 'personalisation' into the search bar.
Ultimately, however, it is for local authorities to manage adult social care services and draw up their own plans for implementing the personalisation agenda. I would therefore recommend that Mr Cox continue to raise his concerns with Norfolk County Council and ask what plans it has to extend personalisation to service users with mental health problems.
I hope this reply is helpful.
This reply has been approved by the Minister and signed electronically in his absence to avoid delay.
From Phil Hope MP
Minister of State for Care Services
Department of Health
Richmond House 79 Whitehall London
Tel: 020 72103000
Richard Bacon MP House of Commons Westminster London SW1A OM
- 9 APR 2010
Dear Richard,
Thank you for your letter of 26 March enclosing correspondence from your constituent Mr Mike Cox of The Lilting House, Beccles Road, Thurlton NR14 6AJ about the personalisation of social care services in Norfolk.
I was sorry to read of Mr Cox's concern that the personalisation agenda locally may be excluding services for people with mental health problems
I would like to assure Mr Cox that our aim of increased personalisation extends to everyone who receives adult social care services. This was set out in Putting People First, published in December 2007, and confirmed in the White Paper, Building the National Care Service, published on 30 March this year.
Putting People First has supported local authorities in transforming their systems to make care more personalised and preventative, and in improving access to information and advice. The Government has also set a strong direction with a number of important strategies, including the Carers' strategy and New Horizons: A Shared Vision for Mental Health, a cross-government programme of action to help improve everyone's mental wellbeing and the services that provide mental healthcare.
Further information about Putting People First and the personalisation agenda can be found on the Department's website at www.dh.gov.uk by entering 'personalisation' into the search bar.
Ultimately, however, it is for local authorities to manage adult social care services and draw up their own plans for implementing the personalisation agenda. I would therefore recommend that Mr Cox continue to raise his concerns with Norfolk County Council and ask what plans it has to extend personalisation to service users with mental health problems.
I hope this reply is helpful.
This reply has been approved by the Minister and signed electronically in his absence to avoid delay.