At worst, they lie; at best, they are incompetent or unconsciously defensive. Hospital boards of directors, executives and senior managers are prone to clutching at and caressing their vested interests. Their processes are immersed in the business model and that is notorious for deceit and wheeling and dealing. Basildon and Thurrock Hospitals were “inspected” by means of self-reporting: the hospital is asked a series of questions to which it provides answers. If those those answers are in the affirmative to the overall question “ is your hospital meeting all the standards it should?” then it passes the inspection - their word is taken that everything is all right. Since April 2008, in each local authority area, there has been a safeguard against this kind of naive gullibility. That safeguard is called Local Involvement Networks (LINks). LINks are set up by law to provide a service user, carer and general public voice to protect standards in health and socia...
PPlog (Patient and Public Log) is an independent Service User watchdog/monitor for:
• social justice
* equality and human rights
• social care
• service user involvement and consultation
• disability and volunteer rights
And a base for blogs for Norfolk Disabled People Against the Cuts (DPAC).