In a response underlining this little recognised issue. My mate Mandy puts some historical clothes on my last posting that’s worth posting on the face of PPlog. Here it is:
So to the the main plot: I think your posting has relevance to the story I was sent in regards to The Norwich 'Mind' Day Centre being closed down. As in you have a mental health trust whose view on support seems to revolve around a 'Recovery Model'. Take me back a few years to my involvement in NIMHE and I remember attending some session on same thing. I ask now, what I asked at that session, "Whose recovery model is it"? I didn't believe it had any input from service users then..and was basically a government initiative that was being steamrollered out as the best thing since 'Prozac'.
I guess the only difference between then and now was that then I strongly voiced my dissent and wasn't told that I had to keep schtum.
And the relevance is that on the one hand you have a MH service saying that it's view of service delivery is around a recovery model that most service users have had no say in and on the other you have a leading MH charity closing down a day centre, that most service users have had no say that Norfolk service users (as many others across the country) have zilch choices whilst both NHS and charity services are being dismantled around them.
Locally, we have 'Mind' running recovery sessions for 'Rethink' carers' group. I don't like to get caught up in conspiracy theories but see alot of coersion (bed hopping) going on. None of it for the benefit of service users.
But it's alright isn't it? because most service users are oblivious to what is being done in their name ...until it is too late... and who gives a monkey's about the mentally ill anyway?
So to the the main plot: I think your posting has relevance to the story I was sent in regards to The Norwich 'Mind' Day Centre being closed down. As in you have a mental health trust whose view on support seems to revolve around a 'Recovery Model'. Take me back a few years to my involvement in NIMHE and I remember attending some session on same thing. I ask now, what I asked at that session, "Whose recovery model is it"? I didn't believe it had any input from service users then..and was basically a government initiative that was being steamrollered out as the best thing since 'Prozac'.
I guess the only difference between then and now was that then I strongly voiced my dissent and wasn't told that I had to keep schtum.
And the relevance is that on the one hand you have a MH service saying that it's view of service delivery is around a recovery model that most service users have had no say in and on the other you have a leading MH charity closing down a day centre, that most service users have had no say that Norfolk service users (as many others across the country) have zilch choices whilst both NHS and charity services are being dismantled around them.
Locally, we have 'Mind' running recovery sessions for 'Rethink' carers' group. I don't like to get caught up in conspiracy theories but see alot of coersion (bed hopping) going on. None of it for the benefit of service users.
But it's alright isn't it? because most service users are oblivious to what is being done in their name ...until it is too late... and who gives a monkey's about the mentally ill anyway?