I’ve still heard nothing form the Commission for Equality and Human Rights in response to my FoI request (see pplog 22.11.07.) so I’ve sent the letter copied below today.
Dear Sir.
I sent you the following Freedom of Information Act request on 22nd November 2007.
“On 11.11.07. I sent you the following enquiry:
1. The Norfolk and Waveney Mental Heath NHS Trust has a practice which excludes service users not in receipt of secondary mental health services from membership of its Service User Council and from the Service User Section of its prospective foundation trust membership. I think this is discriminatory and a breach of the Disability Equality Duty. Can you please advise.
2. Similarly, I am of the opinion that the use of eligibility criteria for the provision of services may also be a breach of the Disability Equality Duty. Can you also please advise on this.”
A few weeks before that I enquired if the new Commission will pursue prosecution of public bodies in breach of the DED as the DRC did.
I have heard nothing from you. Please treat these inquiries now as Freedom of Information Act requests.“
The statutory 20 working days for your response ran out on 19th December, 2007.
I have copied this to the Information Commissioner but, given the Christmas and New Year periods, perhaps you have had unusual pressures. Can you please respond to my queries.
Yours sincerely.
Mike Llywelyn Cox.