My letter, lightly edited, is published in Guardian Society today.
What I'd like to do on this score to take it forward, is to have some meetings with the procurement sections of our local authorities, PCTs and other relevant public authorities - preferably in tandem with, or via of my trade union, but if that's not on the cards, on my own initiative.
Those meetings will aim to discuss this proposition:
Public authorities who commission private/independent organisations to carry out public functions, where those private/independent organisations do not observe the Disability Equality Duty, are in breach of their own Disability Equality Schemes and should be prosecuted.
What I'd like to do on this score to take it forward, is to have some meetings with the procurement sections of our local authorities, PCTs and other relevant public authorities - preferably in tandem with, or via of my trade union, but if that's not on the cards, on my own initiative.
Those meetings will aim to discuss this proposition:
Public authorities who commission private/independent organisations to carry out public functions, where those private/independent organisations do not observe the Disability Equality Duty, are in breach of their own Disability Equality Schemes and should be prosecuted.