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Showing posts from June, 2011

A Glimpse of the Future

Here it is; the beginning of the consequences for adult social care Norfolk County Council is creating by their cuts: EDP report I was at the rally in support of the strikes today but didn't get an opportunity to speak. If I'd had that opportunity I would have shouted from the rooftops the fact that by making vulnerable people scapegoats for the banking failures, this coallition government is killing people. How can these malignant millionnaires get away with patricide? =-=-=-=-= Powered by Blogilo

MP Quest

I only regret that getting to see my constituency MP, Richard Bacon has been so fraught with difficulty and barriers. In the language of tax matters I'm not sure if it was by means of 'avoidance' or 'evasion' that, at the end of May, he failed to agree to meet me at Methodist Central Hall like others' MPs did - as part of the Hardest Hit March. One of the barriers too has been the telephone attitude of his secretary/receptionist (see the RADAR posting 30/05/11 and That Damned Elusive Mpernel on 08/06/11). The other social barriers are having to travel the round 60 miles to see him in my own car, with the concomitant fuel cost - and the lack of disability access to his 'office,' the Diss Conservative Club. All that is regrettable too, because after a twenty minute wait (I was on time) in the hallway of the Conservative Club and after a secretary had, wordlessly, and accompanied by another woman (for protection?) had come down the stairs, unlocked a l...

How about building a health service shopping mall

Referring to the NHS Future Forum report, this extract is from the ‘Ekklisia’ online newsletter: “Meanwhile, at least half the board members of some GP consortia have links with a single private healthcare company, a joint investigation by Pulse and The Bureau of Investigative Journalism has revealed. Medical, majority controlled by Sir Richard Branson’s Virgin Group, has links with 50 per cent or more of the board members at three of the 52 first-wave GP pathfinders.”

In Memoriam?

It is known that since the processes around the work capability test began, several people involved in the assessments have killed themselves. It would be a powerful symbol of their suffering and demise to set up an internet cenotaph with the inscribed names of those who have died as the result of this sociopathic government policy. It would not be easy - it would of course require the permissions of the relatives of the deceased. But it would be worth the effort. What do you think? =-=-=-=-= Powered by Blogilo


Giz A Job – Atos Origin Recruitment Day – 14 June     Benefit claimants, disabled people and supporters will be attending Atos Healthcare’s Recruitment Day on June 14th at 5pm and have called on people to join them. 
Bring bandages, fake blood, banners, placards, CVs, the noise. 

 Tuesday, June 14 · 5:00pm – 8:00pm 

Atos Origin, 4 Triton Square, London, NW1 3HG 

In the spirit of actively seeking work we will be demanding that if we are all ‘fit for work’ then Atos, notorious for a lack of disabled access in their premises, should consider us for employment directly. 
Atos Healthcare,a subsidiary of French IT firm Atos Origin, have signed off thousands of sick and disabled people as ‘fit for work, despite the opinions of the claimants own doctors and other medical ...

Revelations at the Receiving End. Update1.

Short one. I had a home visit by a social worker for an initial assessment. Came with a companion as he is visually impaired. First impressions: a nice pair of people. Took all the time that was needed and all in all a pleasant, positive experience. Got on well with him and had some chat about social work values and standards. Empathy, except that we firmly disagreed about the viability and legitimacy of a stranger attempting to make an assessment over the phone - and when he started to use managementspeak. Good though. We’ll see what happens.

That Damned Elusive MPernel

Got a phone call yesterday afternoon from Richard Bacon’s snooty secretary - and this is a beautiful demonstration of how Mr Bacon cares about his constituents - “I do have an appointment for you: the 8th July at 9.30.” Now as some people, including Mr Bacon, know I have to use a wheelchair or mobility scooter to get around. Mr Bacon’s office is in Diss. He knows I live in Thurlton. As part of my physical impairments, I have a legacy from major surgery to deal with cancer which makes, compounded by heavy medication, early mornings difficult. He didn’t know that but I did tell his secretary of that problem too. Diss is a round 60 mile drive from Thurlton. At standard 40p a mile volunteer rates (being revised upwards) that means a personal cost of £24 to get to see my MP! So I tried to find public transport. There is a bus from Thurlton to Norwich at 07.07. But searches on the web bring up no buses from Norwich to Diss. The National Journey searc...

Poverty fears for the disabled

The is Mark's letter to the Evening News (responding to both Chloe Smith MP and Maria Miller - Maria fMiller's article was published in the same edition) In her monthly diary (EN, May 13) Chloe Smith tries to present the changes to Disability Living Allowance (DLA) as a way of ‘improving it’. Last Wednesday up to 10,000 disabled people and their supporters marched on Parliament in the largest disability demonstration ever. Our members lobbied Miss Smith and the other Norfolk MPs to challenge the Coalition government’s approach to disability and the cuts to benefits and local authority services, including DLA. I find it strange that Chloe fails to mention this in her column. Norfolk Coalition of Disabled People (NCODP) challenges this disingenuous position. Neither the Conservatives nor the Lib Dems had reforms to DLA in their manifestos or in the Coalition agreement. When Miss Smith attended our pre-election meetings in Norwich just over a year ago she actually stated: “I have ...
The article Kathy is responding to below is the same article that was published in the Eastern Daily Press the same day. It is the article I responded to in my letter published 2nd June and which is written up and posted here above on 2nd June. It ties in nicely too with a separate excellent letter to the Evening News by Mark Harrison The three then are displayed here. Mike. Norfolk Coalition of Disabled People response to Maria Miller article Evening News 01.06.2011 From Kathy Saunders, Chair, Norfolk Coalition of Disabled People It is good to know that the minister for disabled people, Maria Miller, pays attention to the concerns raised by the Norfolk Coalition of Disabled People in the Evening News. Interviewed last week, Mrs Miller suggested NCODP’s interpretation of the impact of proposed Government changes was inaccurate, in particular about Disability Living Allowance. Mrs Miller is quite right that DLA needs to be reformed, that it is too complex to be fit for purpose an...

My Letter of 2nd June in the Eastern Daily Press

Bit of a fright - and a grave insult: my name in bold type juxtaposed against a photo of Maria Miller. OOOHHHHHHHOOOO. For the sake of accuracy I asked my wife and a friend and, thankfully, they confirmed it isn't me! I don't know if it is my fault or that of EDP editing but some explanation of my bracketed 'accepted' is needed: NIGHTMARE! filling in the application forms for DLA - part of the 'processes.' Even more of a NIGHTMARE completing these forms with or on behalf of people with mental health problems. In my time I've wrestled with hundreds of these NIGHTMARES and the inventive twists and turns that have had to be made (without actually lying) is so stressful - for me too, but more importantly for people whose affect is so brittle that the processes have pushed some over the edge so that extra support and treatment has been needed. Without exaggeration those forms have been sometimes been unnecessary torment for vulnerable people. Keeping copies of ...