I read this valuable little report yesterday. It presents issues and dichotomies around disability labels, models of disability and rejections of the disability label by mental health service users/survivors. The report makes positive recommendations about furthering the debate but, in my opinion, the user contributions muddy rather than clarify matters. The subjects are seminal to the work being carried out to integrate physically, sensory, mental health and intellectual disabilities - essential if we are to progress further in our strivings for human and statutory rights. For me, the report is enormously helpful in providing a foundation for discussions of what are important questions and perhaps, if properly distributed, it could bring a better focus towards some resolution. Heddwch. Mike.
PPlog (Patient and Public Log) is an independent Service User watchdog/monitor for:
• social justice
* equality and human rights
• social care
• service user involvement and consultation
• disability and volunteer rights
And a base for blogs for Norfolk Disabled People Against the Cuts (DPAC).