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Showing posts from May, 2010

Norfolk County Council and Mental Health Exclusion 3

I have a second response from Norfolk County Council (see “Norfolk Discrimination?” 7th May below)                  “Hello again.                  I have asked 1 or 2 people to look into the mental health information you require. NCODP and the people you mention are correct.                  My statement was to demonstrate that people with other needs in addition to sensory or physical disability are not excluded from Services.                  As indicated  previously, the strategy is about the most appropriate approach to consult, plan and commission services. The strategy in question was designed so people who are Deaf, Blind dual sensory los...

Do We Know Us?

The pearl of the Brown government’s ‘Improving Access to Psychological Therapy’ policy: ‘cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)’ appears to be on the way to being proven to be a just-scratch-the-surface method of treatment. “...the idea that all cognitive and behavioural can be carried out in the absence of consciousness” is called ‘conscious inessentialism’ and is a red herring according to Anil K Seth, co-Director of the Sackler Centre for Consciousness Science. I find this a fascinating and exciting development. The Sackler Centre for Consciousness Science at the University of Sussex is brand new having been officially opened only on 21st April of this year. Combined, as one strand, in their studies and research are neurophysiology and psychiatry. For instance, they are beginning to look at the kinds of separations from reality which are part of schizophrenia and other mental impairme...
Norfolk Discrimination - More Progress? On 30th March I made a formal complaint to Norfolk County Council, Norfolk PCT and Gt Yarmouth and Waveney PCT about this issue. I have heard nothing at all from the latter two but yesterday (breaching the time limits in their complaints policy) I actually had something of a response from Norfolk CC. This reads: Dear Mr. Cox I have been asked to respond to your complaint concerning the lack of mental health content within the above strategy. I am happy to write to you formally or if you prefer,a conversation to explain the reasons behind the strategy. Let me first reassure you, the strategy does not exclude people with mental health needs.My services work with many people who have a mental health diagnosis. The aim of the strategy was to ensure people with physical and sensory loss had a process to be heard, have their say and help us plan and identify services that are needed for this group of people. Older people have a strategy as do people w...