I've had cause to slate the Equality and Human Rights Commission so often on PPlog that it's with pleasure and some relief to be able to post something positive from that organisation: in response to my short posting on April 10th (see below) I received this from ERHC yesterday: “Subject: Panorama Programme Hi Mike, Please see below the response I've received from our legal enforcement team for you: Thanks for bringing the Panorama programme to our attention. The programme raises some worrying issues about the state of home care services for the elderly in England. Each year we receive many allegations of discrimination and potential human rights breaches. When we receive such allegations, we make preliminary inquiries and gather information. When all the available evidence is to hand, we decide whether to pursue the issue using our enforcement powers. As we have not investigated the issue of elderly people and home care services ourselves, we are unable to say what action...
PPlog (Patient and Public Log) is an independent Service User watchdog/monitor for:
• social justice
* equality and human rights
• social care
• service user involvement and consultation
• disability and volunteer rights
And a base for blogs for Norfolk Disabled People Against the Cuts (DPAC).