See my post of 03.08.07. PPI Independence (click on the title) I've, at last, had a reply from the new acting manager of the NVS Forum Support Organisation who appears to be pleasantly co-operative. This has cleared up my fears of the Chair of the Norfolk PCT Forum being a member of the trust it operates for. it says: Thank you for your enquiry and apologies for the delay in responding to your request. In answer to your questions; I can confirm categorically that no member of the Norfolk PPI Forum is or ever has been during their time as a PPI Forum member an employee or a member of Norfolk PCT . Not applicable Tony Darwood, Chair of the PPI Forum does have a seat on the Board with speaking rights but not voting rights. Esther Harris and David Routledge are the two Deputy Chairs of the Forum and can deputise in Tony’s absence. Tony Darwood is the Norfolk PPI Forum representative on the Norfolk PCT Board, in his absence either of the Deputy Chairs can take that role in representi...
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